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Portals & Passages: An Evolution of Paintings, Sculptures, and Social Magic

Laurus Myth

JAN 25 - APR 27

Now on View in the

Warburton Gallery


Laurus Myth, Birth of the Universe, Acrylic on canvas, 2023 Echoes from the Womb Series


Local artist Laurus Myth debuts Portals and Passages, her first solo exhibition at the Triton Museum of Art, 1505 Warburton Ave. (January 25 - April 27, 2025.) Portals and Passages is a reflection point, weaving together Laurus’ portfolio of work across disciplines. From vivid colors, patterns, and layered paintings evolving into sculptural forms, Myth leans into art to tell stories of connection and relationship. Myth’s visual language is influenced by nature, technology, and intuition as they use symbols to decode their experience. Portals and Passages transforms Triton’s Warburton Gallery with works that draw viewers through moments of connection. This expansive body of work bridges dualities: technology-nature, movement-stillness, internal-external, and day-night.

About the Artist

Laurus Myth is an Asian-American interdisciplinary artist raised in Silicon Valley. A born innovator, Myth follows a creative and intuitive path as she fabricates and curates intentional spaces. Drawn to sacred architecture and mental landscapes, her work is colorful, symbolic, and deeply immersive. Myth’s experiential practices birthed several installations she calls “Social Magic.” Visually drawing– these playful and often temporary installations invite us to connect with our narratives and become part of a larger story.  The artist turns the museum's gallery into a spatial story with codes and keys leading us to places unseen. Portals and Passages distill the last decade of Social Magic into new queries, forms, paintings, and sculptures.

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