Triton Online 2025: Expedition in Watercolor (Spring)
Member Pricing: $120 (6 Weeks), $140 (8 Weeks), $180 (10 Weeks)
Non-Member Pricing: $140 (6 Weeks), $160 (8 Weeks), $200 (10 Weeks)
Day Passes: $21 (Members), $24 (Non-Members)
Triton Museum of Art
Wednesday Evenings 6:00PM-8:00PM; April 2 through June 4
6 weeks, 8 weeks, or 10 weeks
About the Course
Join us this Spring for our 5th year of the Triton Online Series, and for Jeff Bramschreiber’s 25th year of teaching for the museum! Enter an expedition with watercolors and watercolor pencils while using a brush, palette knife, and pen and ink! Students will also play with everyday items, such as tea for creating a marbled work of art, or salt to add texture to their works. Select from six, eight, or ten week sessions! ALL levels welcome.
Week 1: 4/2 - Botanical Tulips (Watercolor)
Week 2: 4/9 - Still Waters (Watercolor)
Week 3: 4/16 - Minimalist Seascape (Watercolor)
Week 4: 4/23 - Bright Butterflies (Watercolor Pencil and Ink)
Week 5: 4/30 - High Sierra (Knife Painting)
Week 6: 5/7 - Pelican Portrait (Watercolor and Tea Batik)
Week 7: 5/14 - Wildflower Hillside (Watercolor)
Week 8: 5/21 - Crystals (Watercolor Pencil)
Week 9: 5/28 - Dead Fall (Knife Painting)
Week 10: 6/4 - Cloudy Morning Skyscape (Watercolor)
Recommended Materials List:
(For a visual list of preferred materials on Amazon, email Jeff at
24 count Watercolor Pencils Set
5mm Mechanical Pencil with HB Lead or HB/H Pencils with Sharpener
White Vinyl Eraser, Tombow Mono-Zero Eraser
Metal Palette Knife (Tapered, with point)
9”x12” or 11”x14” 140 lb. Cold or Hot Press Watercolor Pad or Block
11”x14” Heavy Duty Drawing Pad
11”x14” Sketch Pad (20 or 24 lb.)
Pentel Hybrid or Pigma Micron Black Pens (Small Sizes)
Brushes #2 & 4 round, #1 Script/Liner, 3/4” and 1” Wash or Stroke Brush
Recommended Watercolors:
Ivory Black
Chinese White
Alizarin Crimson
Ultramarine Blue
Cadmium Yellow Light
Naples Yellow
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Cadmium Red Light
Cadmium Red Medium
Phthalo Red
Sap Green
Permanent Green Light
Hooker’s Green
Olive Green
Green Gold
Dioxazine Purple
Raw Sienna
Burnt Sienna
Burnt Umber
Phthalo Blue
Cerulean Blue
Cobalt Blue
Questions? Please contact
Your Instructor
Jeff Bramschreiber

Jeff Bramschreiber has been drawing and painting for over forty years, and while he is primarily a pastelist, he also frequently works in acrylic, watercolor, silverpoint, most dry media and even airbrush. His artworks hang in private collections throughout the United States and Europe and have received many awards.
A local art advocate, he has served as an art club president, (East Valley Artists and Santa Clara Art Association), as a juror with nearly fifty shows to his credit, as treasurer and lecturer for Silicon Valley Open Studios, as a demonstrator and lecturer for many of the Bay Area art clubs, colleges and museums.
Jeff also worked at University Art San Jose for 21 years before its closing in 2018 as an assistant Manager, Frame Designer, and Community Art Liaison. Mr. Bramschreiber has also helped coordinate, organize, and participate in numerous local art shows, group shows and events throughout his career.
Currently he is an exhibiting and “live paint” artist at Kaleid Gallery in Downtown San Jose; Jeff is also an art instructor for the Triton Museum of Art, The Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, and The Villages Arts and Crafts Association.